Each year for the past few years my husband and I have traveled to Found in Ithaca, NY for our anniversary. Found is an antique shop with all kinds of fun goodies to drool over, but once a month throughout the warmer months they host an outdoor flea market in the parking lot. IT'S AWESOME! Our children, who share our love of fun finds, tagged along and we challenged them to find something cool for $1 or less. Challenge accepted!
If I could live as an American Picker I totally would in a heartbeat. My husband and I would live happily ever after as hoarders of treasures that delight the eyes! Alas, it's not a realistic option, so we go on occasional hunts for fun. While visiting booths and handling wares my daughter fell in love with an adorable hand hooked stool, but the price tag was too steep for the budget of the day. To her delight, we found a similar stool at another flea market for a steal! I found a cute little wool rug for our new house. It'll work nicely with our funky eclectic style.
Randy always looks through the boxes of art at flea markets. His patient search paid off! Of all the art in all the boxes of the day he walked away with this little piece. The scene is very much like the view from our new front porch and the colors are a perfect compliment to art pieces we already have. The blues will pop nicely on our freshly painted yellow walls, adding to the cozy vibe as we make this new place our home.
My son aspires to be both a hippie (in a generic sense) and a mountain man. He's 11, so he's got plenty of time to work on developing his life plan. In the meantime he pretends to hike the Appalachian Trail around our yard and is reluctant to cut his hair. The artist who made this looked very much like the face emerging from this black walnut shell ring, and Matt loves it. I do too!
Our children found this little ceramic gum saver as their $1 find for the day! They agree that the idea of saving your gum is gross, but the novelty of it won them over and it now holds tiny treasures on a dresser. We each walked away from the adventure with a new home finds and a smile!